​Yadkin River Greenway
The Greenway Sections
Greenway sections are 911 color coded for your safety! In case of an emergency, report it via personal cell phone and be sure to know and reference your section color identifier.
River's Edge Park
~ Blue
The River's Edge Section is 1.97 miles in length and currently is the longest. It has three trailheads and offers river access. It begins at the Wilkes YMCA and meanders by Lowe's River's Edge Park athletic Facilities.

W Kerr Scott/Fish Dam Creek
~ Brown
​This trail section is located at the base of W Kerr Scott Dam & Resevoir. It is also referred to as the Fish Dam Creek section. Even though is it not a long section, it represents the natural beauty of Wilkes County. This section connects with U.S. Army Corp of Engineers network of over 40 miles of multi use trails. This section is 0.59 Miles in length.
Dark Mountain Trails
W Kerr Scot Dam & Reservoir
Moravian Creek
~ Gold
The Moravian Creek section is currently the shortest, at 0.15 miles in length, but is a work in progress! The future plan for this section is to connect the Greenway to WIlkes Community College. It also offers river access.

Mulberry Fields
~ Green
Mulberry fields has five trailheads for easy access. This section offers river access, fishing pier and universally accessible parking. It is 1.90 miles in length. It was the first section built and also features the old Carriage Trail (now known as Ray's Way) and connects Wilkesboro and North Wilkesboro.

Historic Jefferson Turnpike
~ Orange
The Historic Jefferson Turnpike section offers an exceptionally scenic experience as you walk along the Reddies River and is 1.33 miles in length. It was the site of the historic Giant Lumber Company Log Flume.
Giant Lumber Company Log Flume

Memorial/Smoot Parks
~ Red
The Smoot to Memorial Park section is the newest addition to the Yadkin River greenway. It offers two trailheads and a river access. This section is 1.18 miles in length. The Smoot Park Trail was the site of the historic encampment of the Over Mountain Victory march to the battle of Kings Mountain in 1780. The Smoot to Memorial Section connects the town of North Wilkesboro's two municpal parks.
Overmountain Victory Trail

Lowes/Cub Creek
~ Silver
Lowe's Trailhead (at Cornerstone Church) to Cub Creek is the seventh and newest addition to the Yadkin River Greenway system. This is the first segment of a planned multiphase connection to Cub Creek Park. The first completed segment is approximately .4 miles in length. A second, approximately .3 mile, primitive, cleared and rough graded segment extends the future greenway to the Wilkesboro Main Street (Old US HWY 421) bridge.